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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.



The artful integration of clinical skills, education and experience, is designed to ensure the integrity of clinical services to the client and to develop competence in the supervisee. It provides the necessary structure & framework for learning how to apply knowledge, theory, and clinical procedures to work with clients.

Clinical Supervision is the bedrock on which high quality clinical work and consumer safety is built and maintained.

  • Training and Certification of Approved Supervisors is a national trend in mental health counseling. Currently, 72% of states require training of LMHC/LPC supervisors.
  • Quality supervision also encourages and supports the growth and development of clinical staff and fosters staff collaboration and job satisfaction.

Why take MaMHCA’s Supervision Certification?

MaMHCAs Certified Clinical Supervision Program reflects and enlarges upon the research on best practices in supervision training, conducted by the American Association of State Counseling Boards. Quality supervision is at the heart of client/patient safety and good clinical outcomes.

MaMHCA Certified Clinical Supervisor MCCS

This comprehensive Massachusetts focused and approved 12 CEU Certified Clinical Supervisor program is available to all Massachusetts Approved Supervisors (as defined in 262 CMR 2) in good standing.


1.   An approved supervisor as defined by 262 CMR 2.02 in good standing

2.   Current Professional Liability Insurance

3.   12 CE hours in MaMHCA Core Supervision Workshops  offered 3-4 times a year

a.   S1 - A Framework for Supervision

b.   S2 - Ethical Legal and Regulatory Issues in Supervision

c.   S3 - Record Keeping for Supervisors

All workshops are run several times each year and can be taken in any order

MaMHCA Advanced Certified Clinical Supervisor MACCS is available to all MaMHCA Member LMHCs. Login to your member profile to see more information regarding the MACCS.

MCCS Application


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Ⓒ MaMHCA 2023
17 Cocasset St., Suites 301 & 302

Foxborough, MA 02035

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