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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.


MaMHCA Continuing Education Authorization Program (MCEAP)

MaMHCA is the entity of the Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions designated to approve Continuing Education (CE) providers for LMHCs.

Our guidelines for getting a continuing education authorization

Become an Approved CE Provider and receive free listing in the MCEAP database of providers and discounted advertising opportunities listed below 

The Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association (MaMHCA) is the “designated entity” of the Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions to approve providers of Continuing Education (CE) activities for Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs) in Massachusetts (262 CMR Section 7; and Board Policy No. 2020-01.)

New CE Provider Guidelines require all CE Certificates for MaMHCA approved CE Programs to show the approved CEs as MaMHCA Approval

MaMHCA CE Provider Guidelines & Applications

If your organization is, or would like to become, an approved continuing education provider, MaMHCA has released new, simplified guidelines and a simplified on-line application. Please contact us with any questions.

The benefits of partnering with MaMHCA for continuing education include:

  • Expanding the audience for your trainings and events
  • Listing in the MCEAP continuing education provider database, so that LMHCs know your trainings are reliably geared toward them and viable for license renewal.
  • Listing as one of our partner organizations on our landing page


What is the MAMHCA Continuing Education Authorization Program (MCEAP)?

The Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association (MaMHCA) is the designated entity of the Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions to approve sponsors of Continuing Education (CE) activities for Licensed Mental Health Counselors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

General Guidelines for Approved Providers

  • Approved workshops must enhance or upgrade mental health counseling knowledge or skills.
  • Activities must be targeted to a clinical mental health professional audience.
  • Workshops must be a minimum of one contact hour.
  • The target audience must be clinical mental health professionals.
  • Programs focusing on ethics must include information on the ethical codes of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and/or the American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA).
  • A change in course content or presenters, after workshop approval, may void approval of the workshop. Notify MAMHCA of changes as soon as possible to avoid disqualification of the activity.
  • Providers must be prepared to accommodate persons with disabilities.

Instructional Staff Requirements

All instructional staff or presenters must be qualified by means of specialized training and experience in the subject matter being taught.

Instructional staff must meet one of the following criteria unless MAMHCA/MCEAP waives the requirement:

  • Massachusetts Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC).
  • Other licensed mental health professional with at least a Masters Degree and a minimum of two years experience in mental health counselling
  • Non-clinical mental health professional with a Masters degree and relevant experience.

Applications & Submissions

Please submit application information at least six weeks prior to each program.

  • Applications will not be reviewed unless payment and all requested information are received.
  • Allow 4 to 6 weeks to be notified of the program status.
  • Notification will be delivered to the contact person of record via email


  • Approved provider status is granted for individual offerings of CE activities, series events, conferences with multiple breakouts and online presentations. Upon notification of approval, the provider will receive a MaMHCA/MCEAP certification number.
  • A program can be offered again within (1) year of the initial approval

Denial & Appeal Process

Applicants that do not meet MAMHCA/MCEAP requirements will not be approved.

  • The reason for denial will be specified in a written response from MAMHCA.
  • Applicants will be given thirty days from the postmark date of the notification of the denial to submit documented evidence as to why approval should be granted.
  • Within one month from the receipt of the additional material, MAMHCA will notify you of its decision

Approved Provider Responsibilities

Providers of approved programs are required to do the following:

  • Create and distribute certificates of attendance to participants who achieve 100% attendance as required by the MA Board of Registration (there may be extenuating circumstances which would allow for 80% attendance).
  • Keep attendance, evaluation, and program records for 4 years (two licensing cycles).

Promotion and Advertising

When advertising your program, you are required to use the following language:

  • If an authorization number HAS been issued at the time of advertising, appropriate wording is: “This program has been approved by MaMHCA/MCEAP for _________ CEs
  • If an authorization number HAS NOT been secured at the time of printing, appropriate wording is: “Application for MaMHCA/MCEAP continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact us at (your organization’s phone number/email/website/etc.) for the status of CE’s for LMHCs”

Compliance with Ethical Requirements

  • Staff affiliated with the agency, instructors and participants must follow the principles set forth in the ACA and AMHCA Code of Ethics in all aspects of their involvement in the Continuing Education activities.
  • The CE provider must indicate an established policy regarding cancellations and refunds unless the program is an in-house or free program.
  • The provider must have an established policy regarding the handling of complaints filed by participants. Complaints must be handled in an ethical and timely fashion.
  • All promotional materials must accurately reflect the information provided in the CE Provider application that was approved.

MCEAP Application Fees (Please Note: Purchase Orders Not Accepted)

Basic Fees

Program submitted for approval 6-weeks prior to the event
Program submitted for approval fewer than 6-weeks prior to the event
Program submitted for approval retroactively
Request to repeat a workshop
Distance Learning/Home Study single event application
Distance Learning with 1 year access

Additional Fees

Distance Learning added application 1 year access              $200
Expedited Review              $50
Conference/ Multiple Break-out Application 
Conference containing up to 20 sessions             
Conference containing 21 - 40 sessions
Conference containing over 40 sessions
Workshop Series Application 
Series containing up to 20 sessions
Series containing up to 21 - 40 sessions
Series containing over 40 sessions

Ⓒ MaMHCA 2023
17 Cocasset St., Suites 301 & 302

Foxborough, MA 02035

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