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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.


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  • 03/06/2025 11:16 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    Nominations to MaMHCA's Executive Board are now open for the position of President-Elect. You may nominate yourself or another person who is an LMHC in good standing for at least one year prior to nomination, a member of MaMHCA,  has served on the MaMHCA board for at least 6 months prior to nomination, and able to serve a 6 year term (President-Elect, President, Past-President) at the beginning of July. Nominations close at the end of March.

  • 03/06/2025 11:10 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)
    The Haberman-Williams Scholarship is open for applications. This scholarship rewards MaMHCA members currently in graduate school who exemplify the ideal mental health counseling graduate student, as demonstrated by academic performance and commitment to the counseling field. Applications close on May 31, 2025, apply online today!
  • 02/05/2025 1:37 PM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    MaMHCA has filed 3 pieces of legislation.

    SD2089 An Act Establishing a Board of Registration of Licensed Mental Health CounselorsThis is also being worked to get a late filing from a representative. As of now we have freshman representatives Badger and Sweezey working on getting a late filing done.

    Rep. LaNatra and Sen. Brady both sponsored 2 additional pieces of legislation. HD1465/SD471 An Act to Further Advance Behavioral Workforce Development  and HD1470/SD472 An Act Expanding Access to Mental Health Services and Strengthening Risk Assessment Protocols.

    In addition, our Public Policy and Legislative Director, Joe Weeks, is working with Rep. LaNatra's office to ensure the board moves forward with it's mandates to rollout the LSMHC, MaCCS, and to appoint the additional LMHC board members as directed in the 2022 legislation.

    The docket numbers will change to bill numbers in the coming weeks. Sometimes this can be confusing as the numbers will change in their entirety once committees have been assigned and bills moved accordingly to those committees. The committee assignments and bill distributions will be happening within the next two weeks so stay tuned. For now, you can contact your legislators and ask them to cosponsor the bills above.
  • 01/29/2025 2:14 PM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    Thank you to all members who have been attending and participating in our new MaMHCA clinical book club! So far, we have had THREE scheduled events, every other month to review books on our current home study list. Due to popular demand, we will continue this offering, as there is no limit to wonderful books out there.

    So you can keep up with your reading, here are the next three offerings! Keep an eye out for reminders in your emails:

    March, 10th : “No Bad Parts” by Richard Schwartz, Ph.D.

    May, 19th : “Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy” by Sue Johnson

    July, 14th : “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers” y Robert Sapolsky

    Happy reading, and we hope to see you there!

    Membership Committee

  • 01/23/2025 8:00 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    Greetings from the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) committee. MaMHCA is committed to making sure that everyone feels a sense of belonging and is able to contribute to the DEI  journey. We strive to learn together and create an atmosphere where everyone is included. The DEI committee continues to work to advance DEI at MaMHCA. Please join us on the second Monday of each month at 7pm to share your insights and experiences, ideas and suggestions. Contact me at

  • 10/25/2024 12:00 PM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    Attention all students and new professionals!  On September 15, 2024, the Allied Board of Mental Health and Human Services launched a new, simplified application, along with continuing to modify the eLx Portal application process. Although this is a less complex form, with no math required, that has already streamlined the process and spend up the timeline for approval, there is a big CAUTION!

    Random audits will occur.  If an applicant is selected for this audit, they will be required to complete the older form, with all the math included.

    MaMHCA advises all applicants to complete BOTH forms as you progress through the process. This means you should complete the older form with the math AND the new, simpler form with each supervisor at the time you end supervision.

    MaMHCA recommends you download the 262CMR Section 2 and the new LMHC Application Guide from the Allied Board’s website.  If you need more help, attend the one of MaMHCA’s LMHC Application Support Clinics before requesting 1:1 consultation.

    Jami Osborne, Chair, Application Support Committee

  • 07/01/2024 9:00 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    MaMHCA is excited to offer networking events this summer and fall! Network and earn CEUs at MaMHCA's first book club on August 5th, 2024. This fall, join MaMHCA in walking for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's Out of the Darkness Community Walk on September 8th, 2024. Need more networking time? Join MaMHCA's DEI-B committee for their meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM or MaMHCA's Member coffee hour for their meetings on the third Friday on the month at 9:00 AM.

  • 07/01/2024 8:30 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    MaMHCA will now be offering a lower rate to students and new professionals: $90 for 3 CEU clinically-focused workshops (supervision and private practice workshops are excluded from this discount). Check out our offerings today!

  • 07/01/2024 8:00 AM | Aleeya Ensign (Administrator)

    MaMHCA's Summer Institute is this month from Monday July 15th to Friday July 26th. Check out Bringing your Private Practice to Life, Ethics for LMHCs, and Basics of Adolescent Suicide and Assessment. Register today!

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Foxborough, MA 02035

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