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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.


MaMHCA maintains a directory of individuals who have completed the MaMHCA Clinical Supervision Certification Training. These individuals are not only accomplished practitioners but also have had an organized, fundamental training program designed to train/supervise new clinicians and providing clinical oversight consistent with all Massachusetts specific laws and regulations. The Supervisors on this list meet or exceed the 262 CMR 2.00 regulation requirements for an Approved Supervisor.

There are multiple reasons to seek out contract/approved supervision:

  • Primarily, if your training site does not have an eligible Approved Supervisor as defined in the 262 CMR 2.00, you need to seek outside supervision by an LMHC. This is what is known as a contract supervisor (only LMHCs can provide contract supervision).
  • Additionally, if you are Post-Masters and your work site does not provide supervision that satisfies supervision requirements for achieving full licensure
  • If you have not received the required 75 hours of Supervision by an LMHC 
  • If you want focused supervision in a specialty, or you are seeking postgraduate certification in a specialty area that requires specified supervision hours
  • If you have your full license but want continued support in your practice
  • If you want a fresh set of eyes to review your work

Please note: the search function allows for search by supervisor specialty and populations served. Clicking on the name of a supervisor will open their profile and allow for messaging via the "Send Message" button.

Ⓒ MaMHCA 2023
17 Cocasset St., Suites 301 & 302

Foxborough, MA 02035

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