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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.


Haberman-Williams MaMHCA Scholarship

“Higher education is expensive…”

As part of MaMHCA's mission to support the education of future mental health counselors, we strive to help offset the costs graduate student education and training by providing The Haberman-Williams MaMHCA Scholarship of $2000.00 to two deserving students in mental health counseling graduate programs each year. MaMHCA has awarded 23 scholarships to remarkable graduate students since the beginning of this program.

This year’s recipients of the Haberman-Williams MaMHCA Scholarship are Lamei Wang from Boston University School of Medicine and Olivia Johnson from Boston University. Both of these individuals are outstanding students with a history of dedicating their lives to helping others.



Lamei Wang

Olivia Johnson

Other programs your donation could support

Programs that help support mental health counseling students and new professionals include:

  • a fund to help subsidize the expensive LMHC license application process
  • free 1 year MaMHCA memberships to license applicants who take our License Exam Prep Workshops

MaMHCA also provides programs that support the entire mental health services community:

  • Job and Career Fairs bringing many mental health services agencies from across the state together with LMHC-aspiring job applicants
  • Clinical Supervision Training Programs (the bedrock of client safety) at reduced rates for mental health services agencies

Please Note: MaMHCA is a non-profit, educational, and charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible.

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Ⓒ MaMHCA 2023
17 Cocasset St., Suites 301 & 302

Foxborough, MA 02035

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