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Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc.

When all seats have been filled for an event, registration closes. Registration for all workshops closes 7 days before the event, even if there are open seats. Exam prep registration closes 10 days prior to the event in order to accommodate mailing of materials. Please note: there is no waitlist for our continuing education events.

Upcoming events

    • 06/10/2024
    • 08/11/2025
    • 15 sessions
    • ZOOM

    Join our monthly meeting of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee for networking, problem solving, and exploring ways to help make MaMHCA even better.

    We meet on the second Monday of the month from 7-8 [ish] pm

    There is no charge, but you must register to obtain the Zoom link


    • 04/06/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • ZOOM - this is a virtual class
    • 11

    This class fills quickly.  Register as soon as possible.

    Class size is limited, so register early.  All registration closes 10 DAYS BEFORE the workshop to allow time for mailing materials.

    One-day trainings via Zoom, addressing all aspects of the NCMHCE [National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam]


    Sunday April 6, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

    Registration Deadline: 10 days prior to the workshop. Limited to 20 participants.

    Subject Review
    This NCMHCE review is designed to prepare Mental Health Counselors for the Massachusetts State Licensure Examination. It is an in-depth overview of the content areas used in the NCMHCE Exam.

    ALL MATERIALS AND FORMAT designed to address the 2022 NCMHCE exam structure.

    The workshop is designed to provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and includes techniques to assess your knowledge base. The format allows plenty of time for you to ask the questions you need to help you understand how to best use your knowledge. At the workshop you will receive the PTI Clinical Mental Health Counselor Handbook & Study Guide * with all the study areas covered so you can also prepare for the test at home.

    Test Taking Techniques
    This experience provides you with traditional test taking techniques as well as personal insights into your individual style of learning and test taking abilities. You will be given sample tests that are modeled after the NCMHCE Exam so you have the opportunity to see how you perform within their structure. Then you will be shown how to improve and optimize your ability to use your knowledge to successfully pass the exam. You will also be given an opportunity to find others who are interested in forming study and support groups to help prepare for success.

    With Exam Preparation Faculty

    Fees/Registration Information
    Registration Deadline:
     10 days prior to workshop.
    LMHC License Exam Prep Workshop Fees:

    Members:  $350.00
    Non-Members:  $425.00

    This registration fee includes all books and study materials sent to you in advance

    • Workshop is limited to 20 participants.
    • A confirmation letter with detailed directions and a map to help you reach workshop site will be sent one week prior to workshop.
    • Bring plenty of note taking materials & highlighters
    • Lunch will be on your own.
    • If you have any special needs or require handicapped access, please let us know ahead of time.

    Cancellation and Refund Policy

    If there is insufficient enrollment, the program will be cancelled and you will be notified one week prior. For other cancellations, up until two weeks before the program date you will receive a full refund for a cancellation minus a $25 administrative fee. After that date, no refunds will be made, but you may send another person in your place.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 04/11/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Live on Zoom
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    The Legally Required "What If" Plan: Your comprehensive guide to maintaining a Legal Custodian of Records 



    Live on ZOOM! 

    Did you know that every clinician, even those in private practice, is required, by law, to have an identified Custodian of Records? Do you have a practice policy that outlines how your clients will continue to be served if you experience an unexpected medical emergency? Does your private practice meet the legal requirements for continuity of care? Many LMHCs are not aware of the state regulations and ethical codes of conduct which mandate these orders. If your practice is lacking these vital elements, this working workshop will help you fulfill your legal and client responsibilities to manage unforeseen clinician misfortune proactively. 

    As a working workshop, we will review and create a step-by-step plan of action to fulfill this legal responsibility for regulatory compliance in your private practice. This "what if" workshop will give you the peace of mind that you, and your clients, never knew you legally needed.

    This workshop is for anyone in or planning to open a private practice.  Originally developed by our Founder, Berna Haberman, LMHC #1, and revised and updated by our presenter, Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS, this is an invaluable workshop, one that supports risk management.

    Presenter: Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS

    Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS, is a long-time MaMHCA member, former MaMHCA Board member and co-developer of MaMHCA's incredibly popular Bringing Your Private Practice to Life workshop. 

    Friday April 11, 2025 from 9 am to 12 Noon

    [allow 15-30 minutes after the workshop to complete the evaluation]

     3 CEUs

    Members: $105

    Non-members: $145

    Registration closes 7 days before the event even if there are open spaces.

    Some workshops have limited 'seats' by request of the presenter. 

    When that limit is reached, registration will close.

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    • 04/17/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Live on Zoom

    Free Lunch & Learn for Member's Only

    Pop Culture in Clinical Work

    Armchair Diagnosing - Why We Like Reality TV

    • Reality TV brings out strong opinions. Is it garbage that rots your brain or is it the best way to document sociological phenomena? Do you have a favorite contestant competing for a rose on The Bachelor? Do you feel comfortable talking about it or do you downplay your enjoyment? Do you come to the Real Housewives to see the DSM played out in real time? When topics are divisive as this it's good practice in tolerating differences. 

    • 04/22/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Zoom

    MaMHCA's License Application Clinic

    Start your post graduate works experience on the right foot, and be ready at the 2 year mark to submit a perfect application!

    This 2 hour in-depth session covers the post-graduate requirements for LMHC Licensure in Massachusetts.  From understanding and tracking your post-master's hours, to documenting and correctly completing the application, this session is a time-saver.  

    Materials for tracking hours are provided.

    Our Presenter:  Jami Osborne, LMHC, MACCS, has been Chair of the MaMHCA Application Support Committee since 2011, and has been facilitating these clinics since 2012.  She works closely with the Allied Board to ensure the information shared is current. 

    TUESDAY April 22, 2025, from 7-9 pm

    2 - hours, NO CEUs offered

    Members: $20     Non-members: $30

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 04/24/2025
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Live on Zoom

    Free Lunch & Learn for Member's Only

    Pop Culture in Clinical Work

    Therapeutic Use of Picture Books: Reading as Social Emotional Learning

    • This session will explore the roots of reading aloud from an educational and therapeutic perspective. We will explore why caregivers and counselors read to children and how to use books to build empathy and emotional literacy. We will explore easy ways to help children develop emotional vocabulary by finding new ways to read books. Finally, playing can be hard for grownups. Playing through reading is an easy way to get caregivers engaged with their children’s emotional development.
    • This session will explore the roots of reading aloud from an educational and therapeutic perspective. We will explore why caregivers and counselors read to children and how it helps develop literacy skills. Using bibliotherapy, we will explore how to build empathy and emotional literacy. We will tie emotional vocabulary development to curiosity as we explore feelings words. We will also use looking and listening carefully. We will re-examine classic books to find new ways to read them. Finally, playing can be hard for grownups. Playing through reading is an easy way to get caregivers engaged with their children’s emotional development.

    Our facilitator: Katie Thomas, LMHC 

    Assistant Director of Field Placement at William James University, Katie spent the past several years as a play therapist working with young children and families. She provides trainings for caregivers, educators, and therapists on practical ways to do social-emotional learning.

    1.5 CEU's Free for members only

    • 04/26/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Live on Zoom
    • 26

    Treating Eating Disorders:

    The Three Phases of Recovery

    Live on ZOOM!

    This is a follow up to our popular Eating Disorders Overview.    We expect this session tends to fill quickly - don't hesitate! 

    If this topic is of interest to you, register now.

    Building on Understanding Eating Disorders: A Primer for Clinicians, this session explores effective treatment approaches to support clients in their eating disorder recovery. This presentation is ideal for clinicians who attended Monique Bellefleur, LMHC’s Part 1 session or those with a strong foundational knowledge of eating disorder diagnoses and presentations.

    Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how to guide clients through the three essential phases of eating disorder recovery: establishing behavioral abstinence, managing disordered thoughts and emotions, and improving body image. Topics include strategies for supporting weight restoration, techniques to help clients separate their identity from their eating disorder, and methods to transform their relationship with food and their body.

    This Interactive Lecture will touch on the following:

    Presenter: Monique Bellefleur, LMHC

    Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Massachusetts specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and comorbid disorders. Certified Body Project trainer & facilitator. Professional member of the Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA) and the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH).

    Monique has presented on this topic for MaMHCA in the past and the session always fills quickly!

    Saturday April 26, 2025 from 9 am to 12 noon

    [allow 15-30 minutes after the workshop to complete the evaluation]

    3 CEUs

    Members: $105

    Student/New Professional Members [not yet licensed] $90

    Non-members: $145

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    • 04/27/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
    • ZOOM
    • 14

    This is a virtual, live session on Zoom. 

    Pre-registration in required

    Supervision is defined as the artful integration of clinical skills, education and experience to ensure the integrity of clinical services to the client and to develop competence in the supervisee. It provides the structure and framework for learning how to apply knowledge, theory, and clinical procedures to solve human problems. This workshop is intended for experienced clinicians who wish to become trained supervisors. It will include examples, role play, and templates for supervision assessment.

    This workshop is approved to fulfill the initial or renewal requirements for the MaMHCA Certified Clinical Supervisor Credential (MaCCS).

    MaMHCA Supervisor Training Programs Mission Statement 

    The Mission of the MaMHCA Supervision Training Programs is to provide the highest quality training in supervision theory and practice for LMHC Supervisors. Both the MaMHCA Approved Supervisor Certificate (MaASC) and the advanced MaMHCA Certified Clinical Supervisor (MaCCS) programs will offer continuing education in theory and practice in supervision skills, national and Massachusetts ethical & legal standards for supervision, and the ongoing growth and evolution/development of knowledge, roles and requirements for qualified supervisors.

    Certificate holders will also demonstrate the ability to model appropriate professional skills and behavior, ethical standards, and the ability to actively use concepts learned in the training. 

    With Meg Connor, LMHC

    Meg is the Field Placement Director at Lesley University, and a MaMHCA faculty for many years.  She brings a calm, mindful approach to our Supervision workshops.

    4 CEUs MCEAP Approved Category 1 

    Sunday, April 27, 2025 from 9:00 am to 1:15 pm

    Level pricing for members and non-members*: $125.00

    * Level pricing applies only to the core supervision classes, S1, S2, S3 & S4.  All other workshops have a 2-tier pricing.

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 05/01/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ZOOM
    • 8

    Bringing Your Private Practice to Life

    Thursday May 1, 2025 from 9 am - 12 pm &

    Friday May 2, 2025 from 9 am - 12 pm

    This is a 2-part virtual training 
    You are paying for and must attend BOTH parts. 
    This training is for 6 CEUs. 
    Pre-registration is required. 
    Space is limited and this class fills quickly. 

    Join us for the popular private practice foundations class.  In part 1, we cover the needed steps for establishing your mental health counseling practice. With an ethical lens, let us help you identify the steps to rooting your business in the ground.  Topics include learning general business practices while maintaining your personal flair, billing efficiently and understanding insurance lingo.

    Continue your adventure in growing your practice.  Demystify some of the paperwork misconceptions in private practice and learn how to maintain a client record ethically and legally. 

    Finish up this two-part series with discussing the important roles of supervision and prevention of compassion fatigue in a private practice setting.

    with Jenn Hurley, LMHC and Stacey Pimentel, LMHC, MaCCS

    Part 1 of 2  - Thursday May 1, 2025, 9 am - 12 pm

    Part 2 of 2 - Friday May 2, 2025, 9 am - 12 pm

    Please allow about 15 minutes after the Day 2 session to complete the CEU evaluation process.

    Members: $150.00   

    Non Members: $200.00

    [this is a virtual workshop in the Private Practice track]

    About our presenters:

    Jenn Hurley, LMHC is Chair of the MaMHCA Membership Committee, an active member of the Board & a regular presenter on helping your private practice grow.  She has been a driving force behind creating the Private Practice Track for MaMHCA, together with her co-presenter, Stacey Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS.

    Stacey Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS, co-creator of the MaMHCA Private Practice track.  She has presented on this topic in the past and also teaches the next workshop in the series: Beyond the Professional Will.

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    • 05/03/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Live on ZOOM
    • 19

    Beyond Colorblindness in Mental Health:

    Developing White Racial Identity Awareness for Equitable Therapy and Supervision

    [This is an expanded workshop building on the

    breakout session at MaMHCA's 2024 Annual Conference.]


    White clinicians have remedial work to do in developing awareness of our racial identity and racial socialization; learning to talk about race, racism, and privilege; and identifying the ways in which white supremacy is embedded in our psyches. Deconstructing whiteness is an ongoing, non-linear journey of unlearning internalized racism and developing critical consciousness. When in mixed groups, white folks tend to rely on BIPOC folks to do the emotional labor and risk-taking associated with addressing these topics and to resist being honest and vulnerable for fear of offending or being perceived as racist.

    For this reason, this workshop is open only to white clinicians.

    While the theory and practice of psychotherapy centralizes whiteness, the particularity of whiteness remains an untold story in the field. Understanding whiteness can help white therapists and supervisors have genuine cross-racial conversations that include their own identities instead of discussing race in terms of “others.” In this experiential seminar, white therapists are invited to challenge counterproductive ideologies of colorblindness, explore cultural humility, and increase awareness of their own racial identity and racial socialization. White clinicians will learn how to move from colluding with the harm perpetuated by the myth of colorblindness and a stance of “neutrality” to co-creating an environment in the therapy room in which identity, culture and race are unequivocally recognized as robust systemic contexts that impact all relationships, thus contributing to a more equitable mental health system for all.

    Presenter: Yael Bat-Shimon, LMHC

    I am a white woman married to a Black woman for 17 years. We are both family and relationship therapists. We developed an introductory experiential training for white therapists to explore their own racial identity. The training emerged from our own challenges as an interracial couple addressing the impacts of race, racism, and privilege on our marriage. As a white woman I had minimal consciousness in the early years of our marriage of my white racial identity or of how my whiteness influences my perceptions, assumptions, behaviors and thus the impact it had on my marriage. My Black spouse, who navigates the tumultuous waters of systemic racism, felt the additional burden of educating me about whiteness and privilege and the ways she suspected it was impacting our marital dynamics. We took on the task of upending the status quo of conflicts rooted in old racial conditioning, racial harms, implicit bias and old habits using a dialogical process rooted in Imago relationship therapy. We committed to listening to each other with curiosity, to each other’s racial stories without defensiveness, anger or shame. I discovered, for the first time, what it meant to be a white person and come to terms with privilege. Through our own racial healing, it was clear to us that our relationship patterns and stories are fertile places to begin noticing and renouncing old racial habits of harm and to shift toward caring, humility and empathy, which is essential to racial awareness, racial identity healing and transformation. Our training is designed to assist white therapists in understanding the importance of racialized self-knowledge and to provide a systemic context for cross-racial conversations that emphasizes a vigilant and ever-growing attunement to race and privilege in the self of therapist.

    Saturday May 3, 2025 from 9 am to 12 Noon ON ZOOM

    [allow 15-30 minutes after the workshop to complete the evaluation]

    3 CEUs

    Members: $105

    Non-members: $145

    Registration closes 5 days before the event even if there are open spaces.

    Some workshops have limited 'seats' by request of the presenter. 

    When that limit is reached, registration will close.

    • 05/04/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
    • ZOOM
    • 29

    The second of the MaMHCA Certified Clinical Supervisor required workshops: Legal Ethical & Regulatory Issues in Supervision with Joseph R Weeks, LMHC, MaCCS, MaMHCA & AMHCA Past-president 

    As LMHC Supervisor's we are required to be familiar with the 262 CMR, sections 2 & 8 as they directly pertain to the LMHC scope of practice.  In addition, there are other regulations relating to supervision which we must understand. We will review these regulations as well as the Codes of Ethical Conduct that relate to our work.

    This 4 hour, 4 CEU session meets one of the requirements for MaCCS 

    Sunday, May 4, 2025 from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

    Level pricing for members and non-members*: $125.00

    * Level pricing applies only to the core supervision classes, S1, S2, S3 & S4.  All other workshops have a 2-tier pricing.

    [this virtual workshop is in the Supervision track]

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 05/15/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Live on Zoom

    Free Lunch & Learn for Member's Only

    Pop Culture in Clinical Work

    I'm Listening  - Portrayals of Counselors in Media

    • Stories about counselors, social workers, and psychologists have always been popular. They range from the true crime drama (The Shrink Next Door) to horror thrillers (The Patient) to comedies (Shrinking). Dr. Jennifer Melfi, Dr. Frasier Crane, Dr. Malcolm Crowe, Dr. Akopian, among others are representing us to the general public. Are they doing a good job? How can we talk about portrayals of therapy in the media to the world and to our clients. 

    • 05/18/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
    • ZOOM
    • 29

    The third of the MaMHCA Certified Clinical Supervisor required workshops: Recordkeeping in Supervision with Jami Osborne, LMHC, MACCS, MaMHCA President & Professional Development Director. 

    Client logs? Supervision contracts? Evaluations? What MUST we document as supervisors? How do we keep track of it all?  In this 4 hour workshop we will review recordkeeping requirements and discuss several sample forms for tracking all the crucial information.

    This 4 hour, 4 CEU session meets one of the requirements for MCCS 

    Sunday, May 18, 2025, from 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

    Level pricing for members and non-members*: $125.00

    * Level pricing applies only to the core supervision classes, S1, S2, S3 & S4.  All other workshops have a 2-tier pricing.

    [this virtual workshop is in the Supervision track]

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 05/18/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • ZOOM - this is a virtual class
    • 25


    Class size is limited, so register early.  All registration closes 10 DAYS BEFORE the workshop to allow time for mailing materials.

    One-day trainings via Zoom, addressing all aspects of the NCMHCE [National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam]


    Sunday May 18, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

    Registration Deadline: 10 days prior to the workshop. Limited to 20 participants.

    Subject Review
    This NCMHCE review is designed to prepare Mental Health Counselors for the Massachusetts State Licensure Examination. It is an in-depth overview of the content areas used in the NCMHCE Exam.

    ALL MATERIALS AND FORMAT designed to address the 2022 NCMHCE exam structure.

    The workshop is designed to provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and includes techniques to assess your knowledge base. The format allows plenty of time for you to ask the questions you need to help you understand how to best use your knowledge. At the workshop you will receive the PTI Clinical Mental Health Counselor Handbook & Study Guide * with all the study areas covered so you can also prepare for the test at home.

    Test Taking Techniques
    This experience provides you with traditional test taking techniques as well as personal insights into your individual style of learning and test taking abilities. You will be given sample tests that are modeled after the NCMHCE Exam so you have the opportunity to see how you perform within their structure. Then you will be shown how to improve and optimize your ability to use your knowledge to successfully pass the exam. You will also be given an opportunity to find others who are interested in forming study and support groups to help prepare for success.

    With Exam Preparation Faculty

    Fees/Registration Information
    Registration Deadline:
     10 days prior to workshop.
    LMHC License Exam Prep Workshop Fees:

    Members:  $350.00
    Non-Members:  $425.00

    This registration fee includes all books and study materials sent to you in advance

    • Workshop is limited to 20 participants.
    • A confirmation letter with detailed directions and a map to help you reach workshop site will be sent one week prior to workshop.
    • Bring plenty of note taking materials & highlighters
    • Lunch will be on your own.
    • If you have any special needs or require handicapped access, please let us know ahead of time.

    Cancellation and Refund Policy

    If there is insufficient enrollment, the program will be cancelled and you will be notified one week prior. For other cancellations, up until two weeks before the program date you will receive a full refund for a cancellation minus a $25 administrative fee. After that date, no refunds will be made, but you may send another person in your place.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 05/18/2025
    • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • ZOOM
    • 23

    Every LMHC Supervisor should be familiar with and fully understand how to complete the license application forms.

    The Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application is a 2 hour workshop designed to familiarize supervisors with the required paperwork our New Professionals will need to complete to obtain their LMHC license.  Jami Osborne, LMHC, MACCS, MaMHCA President-elect & Professional Development Director has been Chair of the License Application Support committee since 2011. 

    Current forms, changes and requirements will be thoroughly reviewed.

    This 2 hour, 2 CEU session meets one of the requirements for MCCS 

    Sunday, May 18, 2025 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

    Level pricing for members and non-members*: $100.00

    * Level pricing applies only to the core supervision classes, S1, S2, S3 & S4.  All other workshops have a 2-tier pricing.

    [this virtual workshop is in the Supervision track]

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

    • 05/30/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Live on Zoom
    • 3

    The Legally Required "What If" Plan: Your comprehensive guide to maintaining a Legal Custodian of Records 

    Live on ZOOM! 

    Did you know that every clinician, even those in private practice, is required, by law, to have an identified Custodian of Records? Do you have a practice policy that outlines how your clients will continue to be served if you experience an unexpected medical emergency? Does your private practice meet the legal requirements for continuity of care? Many LMHCs are not aware of the state regulations and ethical codes of conduct which mandate these orders. If your practice is lacking these vital elements, this working workshop will help you fulfill your legal and client responsibilities to manage unforeseen clinician misfortune proactively. 

    As a working workshop, we will review and create a step-by-step plan of action to fulfill this legal responsibility for regulatory compliance in your private practice. This "what if" workshop will give you the peace of mind that you, and your clients, never knew you legally needed.

    This workshop is for anyone in or planning to open a private practice.  Originally developed by our Founder, Berna Haberman, LMHC #1, and revised and updated by our presenter, Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS, this is an invaluable workshop, one that supports risk management.

    Presenter: Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS

    Stacey E. Pimentel, LMHC, MACCS, is a long-time MaMHCA member, former MaMHCA Board member and co-developer of MaMHCA's incredibly popular Bringing Your Private Practice to Life workshop. 

    Friday May 30, 2025 from 9 am to 12 Noon

    [allow 15-30 minutes after the workshop to complete the evaluation]

     3 CEUs

    Members: $105

    Non-members: $145

    Registration closes 7 days before the event even if there are open spaces.

    Some workshops have limited 'seats' by request of the presenter. 

    When that limit is reached, registration will close.

    Cancellation Policy: 

    MaMHCA maintains a strict cancellation policy: If you cancel prior to 14 days before the event, you will receive a credit towards a future session, or a refund of the registration fee less $35 processing.

    Cancellations within 14 days of an event do not receive a refund or credit.

    • 05/31/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Live on ZOOM
    • 21

    Considerations for the

    Process of Termination

    This workshop will be LIVE ON ZOOM

    This workshop will offer a space for participants to reflect on their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences surrounding the process of termination within the therapeutic relationship. We will offer considerations for you as you create or fine-tune your own routines and boundaries to support the ending of a therapy experience with a client, in a culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, and relationally based manner.

    This presentation will be a combination of lecture and individual / small group reflective work. We will include opportunities for individuals to share their own rituals surrounding goodbyes and to consider ways in which they can honor their clients' cultural backgrounds and developmental needs during the process of termination.

    Learning Goals:

    1 - Define your own thoughts, feelings, and boundaries regarding the process of saying goodbye to clients, including how this may have changed during the course of your career

    2 - Identify cultural, developmental, and relational factors to consider when supporting client termination

    3 - Choose appropriate strategies to support yourself and your clients during termination of treatment

    About our Presenters:

    Katherine Schwab, LMHC, is an Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist in private practice, focusing primarily on supporting neurodivergent young children and their families.

    Ranya Bianchi, LMHC is in private practice, working with individuals, couples, and families to support trauma and behavioral challenges using a multicultural, person-centered approach.

    3 CEUs

    Saturday, May 31, 2025 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    ( Please allow up to 30 minutes after the session to complete the evaluation and receive your ceu certificate)

    17 Cocasset Street, Suite 301, Foxboro, MA 02035

    Member Students/New Professionals [not yet licensed]: $90.00

    Member Professionals: $105.00

    Non-members: $145.00 

    Registration closes 5 days before the event even if there are open spaces.

    Some workshops have limited 'seats' by request of the presenter. 

    When that limit is reached, registration will close.

    There is NO WAITLIST.

    • 06/08/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • ZOOM - this is a virtual class
    • 24


    Class size is limited, so register early.  All registration closes 10 DAYS BEFORE the workshop to allow time for mailing materials.

    One-day trainings via Zoom, addressing all aspects of the NCMHCE [National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam]


    Sunday June 8, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

    Registration Deadline: 10 days prior to the workshop. Limited to 20 participants.

    Subject Review
    This NCMHCE review is designed to prepare Mental Health Counselors for the Massachusetts State Licensure Examination. It is an in-depth overview of the content areas used in the NCMHCE Exam.

    ALL MATERIALS AND FORMAT designed to address the 2022 NCMHCE exam structure.

    The workshop is designed to provide you with the information you need to pass the exam and includes techniques to assess your knowledge base. The format allows plenty of time for you to ask the questions you need to help you understand how to best use your knowledge. At the workshop you will receive the PTI Clinical Mental Health Counselor Handbook & Study Guide * with all the study areas covered so you can also prepare for the test at home.

    Test Taking Techniques
    This experience provides you with traditional test taking techniques as well as personal insights into your individual style of learning and test taking abilities. You will be given sample tests that are modeled after the NCMHCE Exam so you have the opportunity to see how you perform within their structure. Then you will be shown how to improve and optimize your ability to use your knowledge to successfully pass the exam. You will also be given an opportunity to find others who are interested in forming study and support groups to help prepare for success.

    With Exam Preparation Faculty

    Fees/Registration Information
    Registration Deadline:
     10 days prior to workshop.
    LMHC License Exam Prep Workshop Fees:

    Members:  $350.00
    Non-Members:  $425.00

    This registration fee includes all books and study materials sent to you in advance

    • Workshop is limited to 20 participants.
    • A confirmation letter with detailed directions and a map to help you reach workshop site will be sent one week prior to workshop.
    • Bring plenty of note taking materials & highlighters
    • Lunch will be on your own.
    • If you have any special needs or require handicapped access, please let us know ahead of time.

    Cancellation and Refund Policy

    If there is insufficient enrollment, the program will be cancelled and you will be notified one week prior. For other cancellations, up until two weeks before the program date you will receive a full refund for a cancellation minus a $25 administrative fee. After that date, no refunds will be made, but you may send another person in your place.

    NOTE: All links for handouts and Zoom are sent a few days prior to the event.  Please test them when you get them. Thank you.

Past events

03/28/2025 Business Setup for LMHCs
03/25/2025 LMHC License Application Clinic
03/23/2025 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
03/22/2025 Ethical Non-monogamy Polyamory & Attachment
03/20/2025 Lunch & Learn - Pop Culture in Clinical Work - "Oh, I'm like the crypt keeper!" - Connecting with Gen Z and Generation Alpha
03/14/2025 MaMHCA Open House
03/10/2025 Virtual Book Club
03/08/2025 Trauma Treatment and Complex Diagnosis
02/24/2025 Membership Monday: Virtual Yoga Pop-Up
02/16/2025 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
02/16/2025 Supervision of Psychopharmacology
02/13/2025 Lunch & Learn - Pop Culture in Clinical Work - Taylor Swift - In My Counselor Era
02/09/2025 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
02/09/2025 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
02/02/2025 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
01/28/2025 LMHC License Application Clinic
01/25/2025 Understanding Eating Disorders: Part 1
01/19/2025 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
01/16/2025 Lunch & Learn - Pop Culture in Clinical Work - Wicked!
01/13/2025 Virtual MaMHCA Book Club: The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of how we Learn from Love and Loss
01/12/2025 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
12/17/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
12/12/2024 Lunch & Learn - Pop Culture in Clinical Work - Holidays...
12/08/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
11/19/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
11/14/2024 Lunch & Learn - Pop Culture in Clinical Work
11/10/2024 Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Supervision
11/03/2024 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
11/03/2024 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
11/02/2024 51A Mandated Reporting
11/01/2024 Business Setup for LMHCs
10/28/2024 MaMHCA Book Club: Polyvagal Theory in Therapy (VIRTUAL!)
10/27/2024 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
10/26/2024 Ethical Decision Making
10/20/2024 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
10/20/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
10/15/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
10/04/2024 2024 MaMHCA Annual Conference: Bridges to Belonging: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all aspects of Mental Health Counseling
09/28/2024 Understanding Eating Disorders:
09/27/2024 The Legally Required "What If" Plan
09/22/2024 Wayside only LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
09/17/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
09/15/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
09/07/2024 Assessing Progress for Young Children in Play Therapy
08/05/2024 MaMHCA Book Club: How to Fail as a Therapist
07/26/2024 Ethics for LMHCs
07/25/2024 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
07/24/2024 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
07/23/2024 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
07/22/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
07/22/2024 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
07/19/2024 Business Setup for LMHCs
07/18/2024 Bringing Your Private Practice to Life Part 1
07/17/2024 Understanding Eating Disorders
07/16/2024 The DSM 5 TR - Changes Worth Knowing
07/15/2024 Basics of Adolescent Suicide and Assessment
06/29/2024 Trauma Treatment and Complex Diagnosis
06/23/2024 Supervision through a Trauma Lens
06/22/2024 Processing Grief and Loss with Drama Therapy
06/18/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
06/14/2024 Business Setup for LMHCs
06/09/2024 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
06/08/2024 Healing Grief and Loss through Signs, Symbols, and After-Death Communication
06/02/2024 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
06/02/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
06/01/2024 Deep Story Deep Lamentation: Giving Voice to Grief and Loss
05/21/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
05/19/2024 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
05/18/2024 MaMHCA Board Meeting via Zoom
05/16/2024 Lunch and Learn: Who puts the B in DEI-B? Bridging the Gap to Belonging
05/11/2024 Children, Grief, and Expressive Therapies
05/10/2024 2024 Job Fair Attendee Registration
05/05/2024 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
05/04/2024 Supporting Executive Function and Metacognition Through Games
04/27/2024 Perspectives on Grief and Loss
04/25/2024 Lunch and Learn: Prepare for a Job Fair
04/13/2024 Ethics for LMHCs
04/06/2024 Early Relational Health
04/05/2024 Bringing Your Private Practice to Life
03/24/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
03/22/2024 MaMHCA's 4th Annual Virtual Open House
03/22/2024 Business Setup for LMHCs
03/14/2024 Lunch and Learn: Who puts the B in DEI-B? Belonging for LMHCs.
03/12/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
03/10/2024 Supervision of Psychopharmacology
03/09/2024 Understanding Eating Disorders:
02/25/2024 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
02/11/2024 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
02/08/2024 Lunch and Learn: Risk Management
02/04/2024 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
02/03/2024 Working with LGBTQIA+ Clients: A Complex Trauma Informed Approach
02/02/2024 Toys, Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Empowering Clients to Manage Emotional Self-Regulation
01/28/2024 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
01/27/2024 Teleplay: Embracing Online Sessions
01/25/2024 Lunch and Learn: Combating Cult Mind Control
01/23/2024 LMHC License Application Clinic
12/12/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
12/08/2023 Bringing Your Private Practice to Life
12/03/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
12/02/2023 Business Setup for LMHCs
11/12/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
11/12/2023 S4. Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
11/05/2023 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
11/03/2023 Ethics for LMHCs
10/22/2023 51A Mandated Reporting
10/22/2023 S2. Legal, Ethical & Regulatory Issues
10/22/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
10/15/2023 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
10/14/2023 De-Stressing from Compassion Fatigue
10/10/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
10/07/2023 Action Methods for Couples Counseling
09/30/2023 Evaluation & Treatment of Suicidal Youth in the Outpatient Setting
09/16/2023 Teleplay: Embracing Online Sessions
09/12/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
09/10/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
09/10/2023 The Power of Play in Supervision
09/09/2023 Supporting Executive Function and Metacognition Through Games
07/28/2023 Ethics for LMHCs
07/27/2023 Business Setup for LMHCs
07/26/2023 Beyond the Professional Will
07/24/2023 Bringing Your Private Practice to Life
07/21/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
07/20/2023 S4 Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
07/19/2023 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
07/18/2023 S2. Legal Ethical & Regulatory Issues in Supervision
07/17/2023 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
06/24/2023 Be Aware: Physical Disabilities are Everywhere!
06/18/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
06/11/2023 Supervision of Crisis Intervention
06/10/2023 What's Gender Got to do with it? Working with Trans Clients
06/04/2023 LMHC License Application Clinic
06/03/2023 Introduction to Clinical Hypnotherapy
05/23/2023 Section FULL - Please register for June or July LMHC License Application Clinic
05/21/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
05/21/2023 S4 Supervisor's Guide to the LMHC Application
05/18/2023 Rally for Section 12
05/14/2023 Supervision through a Trauma Lens
05/13/2023 Perspectives on Grief and Loss
05/07/2023 S3. Recordkeeping in Supervision
05/06/2023 Dancing with Transference and Countertransference
05/05/2023 2023 Job Fair Attendee Registration
04/30/2023 Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Supervision
04/29/2023 A Conversation on Love and Autism—Counseling Neurodiverse Couples
04/23/2023 S2. Legal Ethical & Regulatory Issues in Supervision
04/22/2023 Basic Drama Therapy Techniques for Working with Individuals
04/16/2023 S1. Frameworks for Supervision
04/02/2023 Mandated Reporting 51A
04/02/2023 Supervision of Community Based Services
04/01/2023 Neurofeedback: A Treatment Modality For People With Developmental Trauma
03/31/2023 MaMHCAs 3rd Annual Virtual Open House
03/26/2023 Supervision of Psychopharmacology
03/25/2023 What's Gender Got to do with it? Working with Trans Clients
03/23/2023 Bringing Your Private Practice to Life
03/19/2023 LMHC Licensing Exam Prep Class
03/18/2023 MaMHCA Board Meeting
03/11/2023 Trauma Treatment and Complex Diagnosis
03/04/2023 Ethics for LMHCs
01/14/2023 CE: Supporting Children Who Are Grieving with the Expressive Therapies
12/11/2022 New LMHC License Exam Preparation
12/11/2022 CE: Supervision of Expressive Therapies
11/19/2022 Board Meeting via Zoom

Upcoming Continuing Education Events

Ⓒ MaMHCA 2023
17 Cocasset St., Suites 301 & 302

Foxborough, MA 02035

Website designed by Vannessa Greenleaf Designs 

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